Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Monday, November 20, 2006

Mind the gaffe

Yourdemocracy down - boo!
Webdiary in the poo.
Bloglines at the cleaners - boo hoo!!

The big question for this week, with Parliament sitting the final two weeks next Monday - will Kim survive his next doorstopper? Will he read from prepared texts?

How will Labor tolerate itself becoming a diminishing target, when the next Big Thing in Iraq, Indonesia, etc, requires a crisp, accurate, relevant and durable response?

What is the Don's lifetime batting average?

Kissinger Says Victory in Iraq Is No Longer Possible

Warning on weak points in pandemic planning
Preparing for an influenza pandemic

** Infection control and pandemic influenza

From the Editor's desk: The doctor's dilemma Med J Aust 2006; 185 (10): 529.

Investors shun cell research